
Interracial Dating and the Myth of Marrying Up

That’s an acquaintance said about our staff members (a black woman) recently heard from one of osocially, because she’d tied the knot with someone outside of her race. We thought that concept was something that simply had to be fulminate – especially since there’s so much swarm about black women not getting married in today’s society!

In this post, we’d like to diagnose the idea of hypergamy, or “marrying up” as it’s usually known, and how this urban legend gives a negative assumption on the interracial dating group. Specifically between black women and white men. In 2014, there is still a bend sinister that black women choose to marry white men just to get the social and economic benefits. Instead of focusing on the primary of love as a foundation for marriage, people carry on to associate stereotypes toward interracial couples. And the black woman/white man union always takes the strength of the based on a statistic result. However, this figure is alsoFirst, let’s talk about why this portrayal of financial or social benefits as a result of an interracial marriage between black women and white men is utterly nonsensical. Although this isn’t necessarily a great variable to make the argument, black women are presently the least promising of all women to get hitched. According to the census recently, 25 percent of the marriages of black men in 2010 were interracial. However, black women do not cross the color gap too frequently. If black women were fueled by posterior causative to marry somebody from a different race, then they would be challenging their black male similitudes in the interracial marriage sector. In fact, among all women who are included in the 8.4 percent of total interracial marriages in 2010, they represent one of the lowest numbers overall.

43% of black women between the ages of 30 and 34 have never been married, based on a statistic result. However, this figure is also the similitude to the percentage of single women among other races exclude for white females. They are merely not having any romantic interracial relationship enough to be even accused of marrying up. We’re just mentioning cold hard facts that would seem to unmask the urban legend.

Next, black females are more successful today than ever before, why are they concerning about “marrying up” ? The black community has around $850 billion to consume, and black women control 62% of that share. Here’s another interesting truth: the proportion of women to men at black universities is 7 to 1. It’s hard to make the confestation that black women are out looking for a way to to increase their financial or social statements in the world when pretty much to be doing just fine by themselves.Black females should just pass this type of talk off and do whatever makes sense for them for they are the ones in control of their lives. And without any discredit to the older generation in any way, like the judging aunt of our friend, but that old kind of thinking is bound to perish as black women continue to strive.

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